Monthly Archives: September 2014

My diet is better than your diet – Diary of The Recovering Fataholic 21/09/2014

Hello blogosphere people. I’m going through an odd period of weight loss and weight gain which I am struggling to understand to be honest. I have bounced around 104kg. Having been as low as 103kg and as high as 105kg.

  • I’ve been running (or trundling) and feeling okay? Check.
  • I’ve been keeping up with my press-ups, sit-ups? Check.
  • I’ve been following my regime of eating little or no carbs? Ahhh, here’s the thing!

I have been working away from home, not just in an office but up at odd hours, travelling long and short distances, working on sites for 3 or 4 hours at a time, then the long drive home. I have been eating things which to you might seem healthy; but to me are really hard to digest. Take melon for example, to you melon might seem like a healthy option, something you choose when you are trying to lose weight right? So what about if within the hour you consume some brazil or almond nuts? Another healthy option you might think. But the combination of sugar with fat is dietary suicide to anybody like me. The carbs alone are killing me.

On the other hand — I feel tired, angry, irritable, aggression, cravings etc when I get up at 3am and put a dessert spoon of coffee into a travelling mug, add lots of milk to cut the bitterness then top it up with a heaped spoon of sugar to boost my energy level. Soon afterwards I hit a craving for anything sweet. So do I choose another sugary coffee or chocolate? I totally understand why people get fat. I see it clearly and I can also see that a lot of companies are making a lot of money trying to keep me fat. Cadbury’s doesn’t care how my liver is. It stocks the shelves with chocolate because they pay the most for the space. The guy who sells fruit and veg is cast to the back of the shelving display, almost as an afterthought. Why is it I can select from over 100 different types of chocolate confectionery in a garage and only get an option of banana or apple or a tiny pack of melons as fruit options?

I went shopping today. I bought lots of fish at half price £8/kg and some pork at £5/kg. I also got a whole kilo bag of live mussles (rope grown) for £3/kg. My diet isn’t as expensive as you might think. Just because I am not allowed to have a £1 bag of doughnuts or a 50p pack of cake slices or a 75p loaf of bread doesn’t mean I don’t want to be able to eat them but neither does it mean you are eating more cheaply than me. My weekly and personal to me alone “food budget” came to £51. When you are eating processed food you are eating an array of poisons that are only present to lengthen a product’s shelf life, nothing more. A good freezer can do the same thing in a healthier way. We all know chocolate is bad for us so why do we choose it? Some fats aren’t enough to make a product tasty, they must combine sugar into them. They know this, they do this, they win! Affordable diets? Healthy diets? I will not live longer or more happily than you. We both stand the same chance of being killed by a freak accident. Or being utterly miserable and suicidal. So why do I bother doing this? I suppose I bother because I love my wife and want to extract every ounce of time life has to offer me. I cannot think of being without her and I really want to shed a tear when I think that only a few months ago I nearly lost her to cancer. My brave, sweet, lovely wife nearly died because of a freak of nature – cancer. So let’s not get all pious about who’s better than who shall we? Lets just agree that I eat this way because I have a bad liver

I will return to having fish, meat, eggs and veg for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I will have the occasional treat of nuts or plain yoghurt and maybe a piece of fruit a couple of times a week. I have to get this belly down to an acceptable size and it won’t move itself!

Besides — I feel healthy when I eat just meat, fish and eggs and veg.


Enjoy your chocolate/cake/biscuit etc.

Diary of a Recovering Fataholic. August 2014. Feeling Great.

Hello world. I had a real boost to my morale today. I was complimented in the most sincere and warm and friendly way possible. Let me tell you why;

When I began my journey shortly after the “witch doctor” forced me to “eat better or die” I had moments when I wasn’t altogether sure it was worth it. Okay the fitness was lower and the self-esteem was being pummeled by the mirror on a daily basis but over the whole of the next two years since 2012 I have had lots of highs and lots of lows. But today I was stopped in my tracks by a lovely lady I know as a client of mine. I was visiting the open plan office where she works and she sits with a colleague I also know well. Anyway, I was visiting somebody else onsite and the job required me to wear their polo shirt so I was wearing their brand. Thing was they gave me an XL shirt, not the normal XXXL I used to wear or the XXL I am down to now. I needed to visit the toilet to change and thought nothing of it. Having returned to the client and showing amazement that I actually fitted into the shirt they offered me.

Anyway after receiving the job brief I headed out of the door and was stopped in my tracks by this lady who was stunned by the change in my appearance. Her genuine warmth and curiosity about how I had physically changed so dramatically, to her mind, was incredibly touching and lifted my emotions enormously. I explained that it was mostly down to switching to fish. She thought this idea was brilliant as she liked fish and would give it a go. I hope she does and mentioned how I buy in bulk to get discounts and shop when there are offers on as well, all of which she took note of. Only the rich can afford to eat fish at RRP!

I was really happy when I walked away from her.

Thanks lovely lady for making me feel brilliant, and you don’t even know you’ve done it.